Sunday, September 25, 2011

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So here we go again. On another weight loss journey. I've done this before and have been successful in the past. I had a baby in Jun, and I still eat like I'm pregnant (EPIC EPIC FAIL)! Worse part is I started a new job 2 weeks ago. The job originally was for part-time (2 8hr shifts one week, and 3 the next totaling 40hrs a pay period). ANYHOW, the orientation is 90 days (could be less based on my performance), so I'm working 8hr days, 5days a week. Which will make this journey a real challenge but I am really not happy with myself. Not only do I not look my best, I don't feel my best. I have been living off of fast food, due to getting use to working 8hrs on my feet again (haven't worked in 2yrs, and just returned to floor nursing). I want to start my weight loss journey this week. I plan to record my weekly weight, daily meals, and even recipes! Am I starting today? No. Why you ask? Because I have already failed today :(. I'm a real person, with real issues. A husband, 3 kids, and 2 dogs. I work full-time and I am constantly going, going, and going....

Getting to the point. I went to look for a recent (post baby pic of myself) NONE! I will be getting one to you guys soon. The pic above is a pregnant photo of me with 2 of my daughters, I'm bigger than that now, LOL - jk - or maybe not.

Follow me on my journey, watch me succeed/fail. GOOD LUCK TO THOSE WHO FOLLOW!!

GOAL: to start on Tues Sept 27